P.S.- also, is cold water better for the hair?Shampoo's/conditioner's?
Herbal Essences !!!!! THats what I use and I can go for a week without having greasy hair !!!!!! cold water is better !!!!!
None. But comming from a cosmetologist what else was I suppose to say. Your want fairly inexpensive shapmoo, go to an outlet mall. And cold water just seals the cuticle on the hair for a moother look, but a cuticle sealer does the same thing, plus it doesnt freeze your head.
Herbal Essences and Suave are awesome for greasy hair. I switched over to these (using Suave one day, Herbal Essences the next) and my hair is never greasy anymore, when it always used to be. Cold water helps make it so your hair is not greasy. I always wet my hair with warm water, and rinse with cold. It's been true to me ever since!
Herbal Essences- cold water
hey, just to let you know those brands are really really bad 4 your hair you should talk 2 your locle proffessional hairstylist and ask them 4 some good reasonly priced product 4 your hair!!!!
pantene will dry your hair out, cold water is used to rinse out conditioner most salons abide by that rule
Pantene is the best, i used to use sauve but it killed my hair and it still left it greasy, hot water is better for your hair because it gets off more of the grease
i love herbal essences, there conditioners are really light so wont weigh your hair down or leave it feeling greasy. cold water it is said is great for sealing the hair after washing with warm water, its supposed to make it more shiney and close the cuticles or something.
only shampoo no conditioner
sunsilk! definitly!
i use it, and it works!
but, im not sure about cold water...
i dont know?
Pantene, definately! Also, my hairdresser says that rinsing your hair in cold water is better for it.
I like Pantene, but my hair is very dry due to extremely hard water. Their super hydrating treatments work great and don't make my hair greasy. Cold water does help smooth the cuticles on your hair, leading to a smoother appearance, but a good hair care regiment works even better.
pantene works the best, and no my name is not alex, why?
Herbal essenses
I have oily scalp, but get perms and my hair can get dry if I don't use the right type of shampoo and conditioner. Pantene is a good shampoo and conditioner that has formulas for all types of hair. I would suggest that you use a shampoo and conditioner for whatever type of hair that you have and give yourself a deep conditioning treatment as needed. Neutrogena has a great deep moisturizing conditioning treatment. Also, if you have a tendency towards oily hair, you will need to wash your hair more often. As far as using cold water, it is supposed to close the cuticle and make your hair appear smoother and shinier, but I never really noticed a difference.
dove it works on any typ of hair
herbal essences is bad for ur hair try garnier fructis its the best
cold water is not good for hair. herbl essences works best.
p.s hope this helps :)
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