Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Shampoo or conditioner?

Shampoo...Shampoo or conditioner?

would you rather have dirty, oily, disgusting SMOOTH hair

or clean, beautiful, radiant TANGLY hair...Shampoo or conditioner?
Conditioner is much better but don't get me wrong I was my hair with shampoo but when I put the conditioner on I live it on for 30 minutes because it really helps my hair.
If i had to pick............

It would most deffinetly have to be conditioner.......

I cant live without it......

My hair goes to sh*t without conditioner

ssıʞ ssıʞ
both but if i had to choose it would be conditioner all the way.i have to have atleast a half of a bottle
I use both but couldn't do without conditioner.
Conditioner, makes my hair soft :]
if i had to pick one than it would be shampoo because your hair would be all nasty and oily without it...you could still but other products in it to make it soft :]
conditioner gives it a lustrous glossy effect

..shampoo aint shyt without it.
Shampoo, then condition

+ conditioner is a great lube!!
Conditioner :)
first shampoo and then conditioner
uhhmmm... shampoo, but i need conditioner too...
both but if i had to chose

conditioner because it cleans and leaves ur hair soft and silky

shampoo :D
If I had to choose between the two...shampoo. But I'd prefer both.
I use both but I like shampoo better.
one without the other doesn't really gives the best result. so, both.
2 in 1
I need both

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