Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Can u use conditioner as shampoo?


u can'tCan u use conditioner as shampoo?
Depending on your hair type, yes. It's called ';no pooing';. This is how I wash my hair. It's perfect for me, because shampoo dries my hair out.

I've been conditioned long enough so that I'm scared to completely eliminate shampooing though, so I condition my hair daily, but once a week, I shampoo.

Edit: You can read about the ';no poo'; method here: u use conditioner as shampoo?
washing your hair is like giving your hair and scalp a oil change. shampoo removes the old oil and any thing caught in it while conditioner is the new clean oil so your head doesn't get dry
Yes, it's called condition washing or condition only. Many curlies do this instead of shampoo. If you have curly hair, check out for more info.
You might like a two-in-one. That's a shampoo and conditioner combined. Conditioner alone will leave your hair less then attractive.
no but if you are stuck just use dish soap it will do the job.
No , unless u want really greasy hair.
welll you can use anything to wash your hair so i guess so. but u wouldnt git a good lather with conditioner.conditioner woulnt lift your hair if you are looking for volume
no, it'll make your hair oily. shampoo cleans your hair out.
no conditioner is for protecting youre hair and shampoo is for cleaniing it
No b/c conditioner is something that conditions not cleanses. Shampoo cleans your scalp.
i guess you COULD....

but it will make your hair greasy and oil-y
Conditioner is like lotion for your hair; it won't get you clean. If you're really desperate for clean hair, you can use dish or liquid soap.
No conditioner is supposed to help your hair do not use just conditioner.
Yes you can, especially if you have thick and/or curly hair.

I use a conditioner without silicones in and leave it in 5-10 mins before getting in the shower and washing it out. I very rarely shampoo my hair, but once a fortnight or once a month do a vinegar rinse.

Conditioner actually containes gentle cleansers that can clean your hair, I leave it on longer to give them time to work.

Shampoo is actually bad for your hair, it strips the natural oils and makes it get oilier faster, thats why a lot of people who grow very long hair don't use shampoo (then again, some are lucky and can get away with shampooing and conditioning and still have great hair no matter what they do...)

The only problem is that if you shampoo a lot now then your hair may go through an oily stage until it gets used to the gentle cleansers in the conditioner, but in a few weeks it should balance out and be fine. You just have your scalp time to stop producing oils so rapidly, when people shampoo their scalps (you are never meant to shampoo the length, just ears up btw) their scalps think something is wrong so produce more oils to combat it, when you stop they will still produce the same amount of oil untill it gets a chance to realise it isn't just going to be stripped away soon, and slows down. This btw is also the reason why someone who washes their hair twice a day can't skip a whole day of wash, and someone who washes only once a week or so can go a day more eaisly, as the second person's scalp isn't producing oils in overdrive.

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