Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Homemade, natural shampoo and conditioner?

My hair is a little frizz prone because it's wavy, but otherwise, it's normal (not too dry, not too oily)...and I don't want to use shampoos/conditioners with all those toxic ingredients any longer.

Does anyone know how to make shampoos and conditioners that will moisturize and cleanse, but made out of natural ingredients, such as avocado, etc., items preferably already found in my home or have easy access to get at a vitamin store? Links would be helpful and ANY information is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read and answer!Homemade, natural shampoo and conditioner?
Homemade Shampoo Recipe 1:

1 empty shampoo bottle (or plastic jar)

3 cups of soap flakes (found at supermarket in washing detergent area)

Distilled Water (tap water has chemicals and may turn rancid and slimy)

Pure Essential Oil of Lavender (good for scalp conditions such as dandruff)

Pure Essential Oil of Rosemary (will stimulate hair follicles for healthy growth)

I prefer to use essential oil as they are highly concentrated. By using the high extracting methods in the process allows the oils to be more concentrated. Using the real herbs from your garden may not contain as many essential ingredients needed.

Put your soap flakes into your shampoo bottle.

Pour water in, you can add little or less depending on consistency.

Add 4 drops of Lavender and 4 drops of Rosemary.

Put lid on and shake until mixture or soap flakes have dissolved.

Homemade Shampoo Recipe 2:

From your local health food store, ask or locate the natural hair products. I have a large bottle of Envirocare' hair and body cleanser. It is PH neutral, contains no fragrance, has no color and contains no Sodium Laurel Sulphate. I use my own essential oils with this shampoo to create a scented shampoo for mine and my family's hair. It also comes in a conditioner too.

Although this product is made and available in Australia, contact your local health food store to ask what is available to you.

Homemade Conditioner Recipe:

Bowl or plastic jar/container

1 teaspoon baby oil or good quality olive oil

1 egg yolk

1 cup water

Beat the egg yolk until it forms soft peaks.

Add oil then begin beating again.

Add the water to the mixture.

Massage into hair and into your scalp, leave for a few minutes then rinse off.

Other Conditioner Recipes:

You could also try plain mayonnaise from your pantry.


Coconut Milk and Mashed Avocado

Whichever recipe you choose to try first, remember that in the long run your hair and body will thank you for using the more natural and safer alternatives.

If you don't like some of the scent created or suggested above in the recipes, why not try adding a couple of drops of your favorite perfume to your mixtures.

Your scent will become naturally imbibed in your hair, and one small whip of your tresses will have a lovely scent for all to smell.

Hope I helped,

Crazy Red HeadHomemade, natural shampoo and conditioner?
you sound like a girl that knows something or another about the illuminati. i dont know, but i wish i did!

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